If you use Spotify, Tiktok, or just listen to the radio, by now you’ve heard the song “Can I Call You Tonight” by Dayglow. I got to chat with the artist, Sloan Struble, about his new music, album, and his plans for the future. I’m not sure what I was expecting but he was more warm and welcoming than I would’ve imagined and just plain cool. We got to go into detail on his two recently released singles (“Close to You” and “Something”) as well as his new album Harmony House, which comes out May 21st. Sloan talked about his musical and professional growth, as well as his intentions for the new album and what he hopes listeners will take away from it. We also got to talk about his life and what it’s been like as a musician/person during this craziness we’re all living through. I can’t wait to hear the new album and experience all the effort Sloan’s put into it!
More Dayglow:
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